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Senior Missionary Costs May Be Lower Than You Think. Here are 5 Examples.

Michael Babcock • Jun 09, 2024

Will mission costs increase my total budget?

As you may already know, senior missionaries with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are expected to cover their own mission expenses, with the exception of travel costs under certain circumstances. 

Will mission costs increase your total budget?

Not necessarily. For planning purposes, it can help to not just consider what mission expenses are likely to be, but also how different expenses in your life might change.

Some costs will obviously go up, with housing cost likely being the largest share of your missionary budget. But if you’re thinking that your expenses will only go up you might be pleasantly surprised that some expenses may go down. Here are 5 senior missionary expenses that might go DOWN (I learned about these from former missionaries):

  1. Recreational travel expenses: This is the number 1 savings opportunity for senior missionaries! In many cases, the Church already covers your cost to get there. Where else will you go? Whether you’re accustomed to fancy vacations or lower-budget trips to visit family and friends, most missionaries will spend less on recreational travel simply because they will be spending most of their time doing missionary work. 
  2. Big ticket purchases - These could include vehicles, appliances, furniture, etc. 
  3. Home maintenance expenses - Chances are you won’t be going to the home improvement store or starting any significant home remodeling projects while you’re away from home
  4. Food and clothing - Expenses for basic necessities can obviously vary quite a bit by country, but many missionaries serving abroad will benefit a great deal from exchange rates enabling them to buy more goods and services in their mission country than they can in their home country with the same amount of money. 
  5. Gifts - How might your gift-giving change when you’re a missionary? Being away can have an impact on gift-giving expectations and traditions. This could be a significant cost-saving opportunity for many senior missionaries.

What about transportation and gas? - whether serving domestically or internationally, you would be expected to
cover the cost of gas in the mission even if you drive a church-owned vehicle. For some, transportation costs may go down, but these costs are difficult to plan because they will vary significantly by country and mission within each country. It’s still good to plan for them. Here’s a great site for estimating gas prices by country and another for general transportation costs by country.

In summary, while planning for your expenses as a senior missionary or determining if you can afford to go, don’t forget to consider which of your expenses might go down. Many missionaries will notice significant decreases in their recreational travel, major purchases, home maintenance costs, and gifts. Food, clothing, and transportation are less certain to result in cost savings, but can also help you to have flexibility with your cash flow. Overall, having a realistic idea of how your expenses are likely to change can help you to be financially confident before, during, and after your mission. You might even find that your total living expenses go down while you’re serving as a missionary!

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